Theresa Garcia, Principal

207 High Street, Lordsburg, NM 88045 Phone (575)542-9222


Monday, May 24, 2010

Mayor of Lordsburg Visits CES

The Sixth Grade students at Central Elementary have been learning about the roots of democracy and the legacies of the Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations. One learning activity centered on developing questions that they would ask a local government official. The school was honored on Wednesday, May 19, to have our newest mayor, Mr. Frank Rodriguez as a special guest. Mayor Rodriguez spoke to the students about his job, and answered several questions related to the type of businesses Lordsburg could have in the future, our potential to attract solar and wind energy industries, and the benefits to the community that the upcoming movie production will provide. He also emphasized the value of our youth developing a strong work ethic to be successful in life, and for our students to take pride in our town, by helping to keep it clean. Each student had the opportunity to read his/her question to the mayor and have it answered. The Sixth Grade Teachers, Mr. Acosta and Mr. Gordon, and students, would like to thank Mayor Rodriguez for taking the time to help us learn more about how our government works.

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